Secrets of the Sambar
Volume 3

THE Definitive Guide to Sambar - VOLUME 3
Biology, Ecology, Behaviour & Hunting Strategies


Over the past 18 months of Travel Restrictions & Lockdowns there has been an unprecedented demand for the 4 books in our Secrets of the Sambar Series. During this period we have sold countless more books than at any other time during the 15 years we have been publishing them. As a result our stock has become significantly depleted. However, due to the doubling of international shipping times and cost, combined with increased printing costs, we cannot guarantee availability once our current stock is sold.



  • Evolution of the Sambar as Prey of Tiger, Leopard, Wild Dog & Man- The evidence shows that for at least twelve thousand years sambar co-evolved as prey of the tiger, leopard, dhole and man. Just as infectious bacteria respond to antibiotics by evolving better defences against those drugs, the sambar have responded to its predators –especially the tiger – by evolving better defences to counter it.


  • Anti-Predator Strategies & How They Employ Them
  • How Sambar Respond to Humans & Hunting Pressure
  • A Day in the Life of a Family Group – Observations and photos of a family.
  • A Day in the Life of a Stag – Observations and photos of a Stag.
  • Communication - Audible and Visual. All known audible sounds are discussed.
  • The Role of Wallows – Amazing Photographs of Two Dominant Sambar Stags with Hinds in oestrous at the same wallow in daylight taken during a two year study. Adds to photos shown in Vol 2 and in The Hunt Smart System book.


  • Plants Used by Sambar – Includes photos of 14 of Sambar’s favourite plants and lists and discusses 34 other favourite plants and trees.
  • Logging Coups – Explains what they are, where they are found and how to hunt them.
  • Where Monster Stags Roam – Reveals the conditions necessary for Sambar Stags to grow large antlers. Discusses the conditions in the home range of eight of the largest Sambar Stags taken in Victoria and explains why they were able to develop such large antlers.


  • How Choose the Right Binocular – Discusses features which affects the optical performance of a binocular when hunting Sambar. Explains why higher magnification is not always better.
  • Hunting from Tree Stands and Ground Hides – Using photographs of hunters using ladder tree stands, portable climbing tree stands and ground hides, this chapter discusses the pros and cons of each and how to hunt from them.
  • Bow Hunting Tips & The Biggest Bow Shot Stags – Features the story how Dean Scott harvested a massive Stag with impressive 31+ x 33+ antlers. Tips and tactics are provided by highly experienced and successful bowhunter Dean Kleinitz.
  • Air Currents and Wind Direction- What Every Stalker Should Know - This chapter discusses why you must keep your scent from blowing into an area you are going to hunt and spooking the deer out of there, how to prevent it from traveling there. Explains how thermals work and how they and wind can be your friend instead of your enemy.
  • Adjust Strategies to the Conditions – Explains that when the weather changes Sambar move to locations where they are the most comfortable and secure in the prevailing conditions. To be successful a hunter must understand this highly predictable aspect of sambar behaviour. Discusses the various types of extreme weather and explains why they are easily the best time to hunt.
  • Hunting with Hounds – Explains the art of hound hunting beginning with the a study of the English Foxhound and Foxhound Bloodhound cross that were traditionally used to hunt Sambar in Victoria beginning back in the 1930’s.
  • Tribute to a Hunting Great – Chronicles the life of hunting great Douglas Henry Raymond Mummery - 1916-1998 - who immersed himself into what is now a “bygone era of hunting.” He and his wife Chris exhibited hounds and other working breeds at no less than 61 consecutive Royal Melbourne Shows.
  • Australia’s Top Stags - Includes full colour enlarged photos of each stag, plus highly educational stories as to how 4 of Australia’s Top Sambar Stags were taken. Includes Matt Appleton’s 32 incher; Terry McDonald’s very even, heavy, shanghai topped 30 incher; Owen Claridge’s unbelievable 34+ incher with antlers as thick as fence posts; and Paul O’Brien’s 36 incher with 19+ inch brow tines. The tactics and calibres used by these hunters also tell a story.
  • Sambar Red Hybrid Monster – Includes an awesome photo of this rare specimen which exhibits clear traits of Sambar and Red deer. It was taken in New Zealand by Daniel Peat.


  • Forest to Plate – Drawing heavily on scientific research into how to obtain the best venison, this chapter begins with choosing the best animal, killing it in a way that minimises or avoids stress, plus every step necessary from gralloching to ageing and the equipment required. Every aspect of my Hunt Smart System is designed to enable a hunter to find deer that are completely unalarmed. This enables the shot to be taken at precisely the right moment so that death is instant or extremely close to instant.


  • QDM for Sambar – Let Them Go So They May Grow is the mantra in this chapter. Using photographs of live Sambar this chapter discusses which deer you should shoot and which you should let go and why.
  • QDM for Sambar - A Case Study of a hunter who watched a Stag grow over several years before finally harvesting the 380kg monster.
  • To Cull or Not to Cull – Discusses Causes of Malformation & How We Should Respond. Includes photos of Stags with various types of malformation and explains the likely cause of the malformation and if it is likely to be the result of genetics, injury to a pedicle or a rear leg, or simply due to old age.

Skeletal Overlay

  • Skeletal Overlay – The skeleton and organs have been painted over the photo of a huge Sambar Stag. The best aiming point are shown and every bone is identified. The artwork was performed by the highly talented - Milosh Kraguljac - a deer hunter who is also a professional artist and art teacher. Milosh also sketched all the wonderful graphite artwork which adorns SOTS Volumes 1 and 2.

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